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Increasing Heart Health with High-oleic Canola Oil

A few hundred years ago, people weren’t so focused on the health benefits of produce, but instead on getting any nutrients into their bodies, never mind picking and choosing! Today, we’re much more focused on what we put into our bodies and the benefits these things have on our longevity and vitality.

At first glance, high-oleic canola doesn’t look much different to ordinary canola or any other oil crops, but it sure reacts differently once it enters the body! With its impressive high-quality fatty acids and cooking benefits, this cooking oil is definitely a winner when it comes to taste, benefits, and nutrition.

What is the Difference Between High-oleic Canola Oil  And Ordinary Canola Oil

There are currently three main categories of canola varieties, namely rapeseed oil, canola oil, and high-oleic canola oil. Furthermore, there are a few main indicators that set them apart, including:

Ordinary Canola Oil

Ordinary canola oil contains:

  • Oleic Acid: 20%
  • Erucic Acid: 50%
  • Saturated Fatty Acids: 30%
  • Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid: 0%

Low Erucic Acid Canola Oil

Low erucic acid canola oil contains:

  • Oleic Acid: 50-60%
  • Erucic Acid: 5%
  • Saturated Fatty Acids: 30%
  • Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid: 5%

High-oleic canola oil

High-oleic canola oil contains:

  • Oleic Acid: 80-85%
  • Erucic Acid: 0%
  • Saturated Fatty Acids: 5%
  • Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid: 10%

There are numerous health risks associated with both saturated fatty acids and erucic acid. Saturated fatty acids are easily deposited into the blood vessels, which increases cholesterol levels. A large intake of rapeseed oil containing high levels of erucic acid can cause both myocardial fibroses and cardiomyopathy – both of which can cause slow or stunted growth, decreased fertility, diminished platelets, and more.

These health risks can be avoided through using healthy oils instead, such as high-oleic canola oil. Based on scientific research regarding its nutritional content, Zhongke Oil’s high-oleic canola oil can be regarded as the oil to use when cooking! It’s healthy, burns at much higher temperatures, and even brings out the natural, delicious tastes in food